The Model    

At IDEALL, we have formed an entrepreneurial model replicable elsewhere.

The simplest structure requires a school district to form a non-profit foundation as a "supporting organization". Federal laws are straightforward, making the process relatively simple and inexpensive. The goal of the foundation must be clear. Our charter directs us to:

  • search for marketable services, products, practices and methods within the district
  • encourage and incent innovative thinking among district staff
  • provide a delivery platform, strategies of awareness-building and marketing
  • return revenues to the originating school district

An insightful, forward-looking board of directors should be selected from senior school district staff and board, from business and industry and from community leadership. Directors help assess district successes, establish criteria for selection of developable initiatives, a business/marketing plan, and strategic approaches to the educational market.

Start-up funding may be secured through tax deductible contributions, corporate tax credits, loans and grants. Eventually a positive cash flow may result through sales or licensing.